What it takes to run multiple businesses at one time…

A couple of years ago something interesting started happening in my coaching business…

I started attracting owners of multiple businesses.

Not just serial entrepreneurs - but women (mostly women) who are running two entities AT ONE TIME

wellness + marketing

wellness + retreat

wellness + coaching

wellness + wellness + wellness, i.e. multiple locations

(Yes I work with a lot of wellness business owners)

It makes sense.

I myself am the Founder and CEO of multiple companies (2 currently with a third in development)

And also:

I specialize in team, leadership and infrastructure, which is 100% required for smooth operations, sales, marketing and delivery when you start playing at this level.

Over these last few years I’ve been observing myself and my clients - and at this point I feel 100% certain what the unique challenges and solutions are for owners of multiples.

Besides developing a fine mind for strategy and A++ leadership, we owners of multiples have to learn how to:

- access capital and manage our mindsets around paying down business debt slowly instead of in a panic

- manage payroll and cash flow whether in a upswing or a downturn

- continue to resource our enthusiasm and motivation to take care of our first born baby even when our passion is lit up for the second or third

- become an adept at spacious scheduling, not taking on too much at once or else we’re screwed out of getting ANYTHING done

- focus our time, attention and life force on one forward-moving project at a time EVEN as we dance with the little details of each day’s to-do list

I’m going to break this all down for you in my new FREE 3-Day Masterclass, OWNERS OF MULTIPLES, and give you some real actionable assignments to get into motion with all of it so you can feel more organized, focused, strategic and *trusting* that you’re doing as much as is required to meet your goals (‘cause I know you think you’re not doing enough, sis, and that’s part of the problem).

Drop an emoji or GIF below and I’ll send you the link + workbook as soon as we open registration .


{HOW SHE DID IT} $170K more in only 1 year


I paid $7K and got my dreamhouse.