For the first 5 (okay 7) years of building my business, I was a terrible boss.

For the first 5 (okay 7) years of building my business, I was a terrible boss.

I oscillated between ice queen and intimate confidante -

Hands-off-'they'll-figure-it-out" leadership style and hyper-controlling micromanager

Honestly I had no idea what I doing. (Does anyone when they first start out building a team?)

But something shifted for me the day I made my manager cry (a story for another day, I promise).

I didn't know HOW but I knew I wanted to learn how to be a better boss. If not for me, then for my poor team who was constantly subjected to my moods and all 18 of the ideas I had before breakfast each morning.

Since then, I've learned some things.

And I'm going to teach them to you in next week's masterclass, WORLD'S BEST BOSS.

Currently $111; price doubles in a couple of days.

Get all the details

Learn more + grab your spot here:


10 Leadership Practices of an Extra-ordinary Boss


You’re going to have to take risks —