The words came tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop them --
The words came tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop them --
"I worked for YEARS to grow my small business so I could afford to pay myself a 6-figure salary. And now that I'm here, I'm realizing: it's not actually that much money."
I felt guilt and shame for even saying it, much less wanting it - but simultaneously It was good to say it out loud.
You see, I know that making 6 figures+ in take-home pay is extremely rare. Even more so for women business owners. Did you know that 90% of women led businesses never make more than 6 figures in GROSS revenue (much less net)?!?!
Plus I didn't want to sound like some kind of rich, ungrateful, capitalist a-hole.
(Case in point all the rich, ungrateful, capitalist a-holes taking over our government these past few weeks. The LAST thing I wanted to be was them.)
But honestly - I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and have two kids.
In the moment I said this, I had been renting for decades and I dreamed of owning my own home someday.
I wanted - no needed - a cushy savings account that allowed me to navigate the inevitable choppy waters of small business ownership.
I wanted to retire someday instead of working until the day I die.
And I had BIG ideas not only for the kinds of jobs I wanted to be able to create for my employees, but also for my donation practices and volunteer efforts.
Given all that, $120K per year in take home pay was simply not going to cut it anymore.
And finally I had a coach and mentor to mirror back to me the truth. "Yeah you're right." she said. "That's not nearly as much money as it sounds like."
This was the day I started ideating on my 2nd business - my coaching business. This was the day I started to expand. This was the day I started to get free...
Now it's almost 8 years later.
During that time, I was able to navigate a devastating pandemic which forced my brick-and-mortar to close for FIFTEEN M-IN F-IN MONTHS.
I was able to amass multi 6-figs in savings and buy a home for my family with a view of the San Francisco Bay.
I was able to pay for a multi-6 fig renovation for said home, which was let's just say, a fixer-upper when we first got it.
I've been able to support my family while my husband stays at home and serves as the #1 caregiver to our two kids (and to me!)
AND. I've been able to create AWESOME jobs for my team members (and I'm just getting started with that).
I've been able to make significant charitable donations to political and social causes I believe in.
And I'm currently serving in my second year as volunteer Fundraising Chair for my kids' public school PTA.
It's not been all Chanel bags and trips to Paris (though I did go to Thailand last year and that was awesome).
And to be clear: I still have quite a ways to go before I can retire.
But I'm freaking PROUD of my success. And even more than that I'm proud of my hard-earned relationship with money which is loving, patient and trusting no matter what my sales report looks like.
So here's the deal: when YOU are ready to expand your business, whether it be by building your personal brand like I did, or launching a retreat business or marketing agency, or opening your 2nd or 3rd location like so many of my high-level clients, I'll be there to mentor you.
I'll help you access the capital, negotiate the contracts, craft the offer suite, price your products and services, plan your launch and content strategy, and systematize your sales process (whether you're the sole salesperson or you have a whole team).
Let's freaking go.